The Upgrade Wizard transfers records from one Catalyst back-end database to another and can be used to upgrade from a prior version of Catalyst Manufacturing®. The back-end database which you are importing from is referred to as the source database. The currently selected company data file is the target database. When upgrading to a new version, the target database is the empty back-end database provided with each new release. The Upgrade Wizard is located in the External Data group on the Tools tab.
Before performing an upgrade, there are some important points to consider:
- If custom modifications have been made in the old version, those changes will need to be replicated in the back-end database prior to running the Upgrade Wizard. The modifications will also need to be replicated in the front-end database, but can be performed after migrating the data for development and test purposes.
- During the upgrade, the source database schema is modified to match the new version. If the event you need to revert back to the old version, you won’t be able to use the back-end database used as the source database for the upgrade. You must use the master copy of the back-end database to run the old version. You should only use a backup copy of the production database as the source database for the Upgrade Wizard.
- After upgrading, you will be able to use the same activation code as the old version if you use the same registration information and the back-end database resides on the same server machine as the old version. You can import your registration information from the old version as part of the upgrade. If you need to change the registration information or the back-end database is located on a different server, submit a new product registration and request a new activation code from Catalyst Support.
- Before performing the upgrade, all users must be logged off both the target and source back-end databases.
To upgrade to a new version of Catalyst, follow the steps outlined below.
- Make a back-up copy of the old version back-end database.
- For Microsoft Access back-end databases, the back-end database will typically reside on the server and have a file name ending in "_be.accdb".
- For a SQL Server back-end database, use SQL Server Management Studio to view and manage attached databases.
- On a test client PC, uninstall the old version of Catalyst using the Add/Remove Programs option in the Windows® Control Panel.
- Install the new version of Catalyst on the test client PC using the new setup package (refer to Installation help topic).
- If the old desktop shortcut was modified to include the Catalyst workgroup file, the new shortcut will need to be modified in the same manner (refer to Modify Desktop Shortcut help topic).
- Prepare the source and target databases for the upgrade:
- For versions using a Microsoft Access back-end database:
- Move the new version back-end database file to the same server as the old version.
- Open Catalyst using the desktop shortcut on the client and relink to the new version back-end database located on the server. If not prompted to relink, select Relink Company Database on the Tools tab. This will be the target database.
- Move the back-end database backup copy from step 1 to the local Catalyst directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Catalyst). This will be the source database.
- Note: The upgrade process imports data from the source database so placing it in the local directory avoids network security warning messages during the upgrade process.
- For versions using a Microsoft SQL Server back-end database:
- Move the new version back-end database files to the same server as the old version.
- Attach the new version SQL Server database file to SQL Server.
- Create a DSN connection to the new version using the ODBC Data Administrator.
- Open Catalyst using the desktop shortcut on the client and relink to the new version back-end database using the new DSN connection. If not prompted to relink, select Relink Company Database on the Tools tab.
- Run the Upgrade Wizard located on the Tools tab to import data from the backup copy of the old version back-end database (source database) to the new version (target database). When the import process completes, you will be able to review an Error Log Report that summarizes any import errors encountered. If errors were reported during the upgrade process, perform the changes suggested on the Error Log Report manually and rerun the Upgrade Wizard.
- Review and test the system to verify the accuracy of the data and confirm the functionality of any custom modifications. After verification and testing have been completed, schedule an upgrade time with the users and complete the following steps:
- On a single PC, perform steps 1, 4, and 5 to refresh the back-end database.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 to install the new version of Catalyst on the remaining client PCs. If the front-end database has been modified, copy the modified database from the Catalyst folder on the test PC to the Catalyst folder on the client PC.