How do I upgrade from a Microsoft Access to SQL Server back-end database?

To upgrade from a system with the Microsoft Access back-end database to a system with the SQL Server back-end database, please contact Catalyst Manufacturing Sales to request an upgrade. The upgrade cost is the incremental price difference between the two systems. After receiving the setup files for the version with SQL Server back-end database, you will need to uninstall the previous version and install the new version on the client machines.

Please refer to the SQL Server installation and configuration help topics to configure and set permissions for the SQL Server database. After linking to the SQL Server back-end database file from the client machine, you can use the Catalyst Upgrade Wizard to import the data from your Microsoft Access back-end database. Please make a backup copy of the Microsoft Access back-end database prior to importing data as database schema changes are performed on the source database prior to import.

The activation code used for the version with Microsoft Access back-end database will not work after upgrading to the version with SQL Server back-end database. Please submit a new product registration to confirm the registration information and request a new activation code. The new activation code will need to be entered at the time of upgrade.

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