Unable to open Catalyst HTML help files

If the Catalyst Manufacturing Help Topics do not open when pressing F1 or pressing the Help button from within Catalyst, refer to Microsoft Knowledgebase Article 902225 at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/902225/en-us To unblock the Catalyst help file, you can perform either of the methods listed below. Also, refer to the suggestions posted at http://weblog.helpware.net/?p=36.

Method 1

1. Double-click the Catalyst.chm file located in the Catalyst directory.
2. In the Open File-Security Warning dialog box, click to clear the Always ask before opening this file check box.
3. Click Open. 

Method 2

1. Right-click the Catalyst.chm file located in the Catalyst directory and then click Properties.
2. Click Unblock.
3. Double-click the Catalyst.chm file to open.

If you use method 2 and are using the QuickBooks interface, you will need to repeat these steps on the CatalystQB.chm file located in the Catalyst folder.

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