How do I apply a trial activation code?

  1.  Select an initial client machine and install Catalyst using the setup package downloaded from the Free Trial web page.
  2. Using the Catalyst MFG desktop shortcut created during installation, open the Catalyst front-end database. You can either test the system using the default sample company database or relink to an empty back-end database using the steps below.
  3. To relink to an empty back-end database, select Relink Company Database from the Tools tab and browse to the empty back-end database file (e.g. Catalyst v5.00_be.mdb) located in the Catalyst directory.
    • For 32-bit machines the Catalyst installation directory will be C:\Program Files\Catalyst. For 64-bit machines the Catalyst installation directory will be C:\Program Files (x86)\Catalyst.
  4. Click Refresh Links to relink to the empty back-end database.
  5. After relinking, open the Registration Wizard (Help > Product Registration) and enter your company information. It is not necessary to submit the product registration if you've already received a trial activation code.
  6. After receiving a trial activation code, enter it into the Registration Wizard the next time you open the database.
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